Friday, 19 June 2015

Rhubarb Season try this pie

Otto Say’s
Pasta sanza vino e come il cuore sanza amore
Pasta without wine is like a heart without love

Pineapple Rhubarb Pie Recipe ( 6-8 servings )


700 gr chopped fresh rhubard
400 gr fresh chopped pineapple
400 gr sugar
75 ml tapioca
15 ml lemon juice
10 ml grated lemon peel (1 lemon )
1 raw pie crust top and bottom


1.In a bowl combine the rhubard,pineapple,sugar,tapioca lemon juice and lemon peel,let stand for about 15 minutes
2.Line a pie pan with a bottom pastry and add filling .
3.Egg wash the rim of the bottom crust and place the top crust on the filling crimp the sides and egg wash the top crust .Cut clits or make decorative cut outs in pasty .
4.Bake at 190 C. for about 50 to 60 minutes golden brown
5 Cool for at least a few hours before serving

Smile and Be Sweet
The best way to win a friend is to listen and
Smile it only takes a minute” – Otto